Article- Cranston Herald

Article- Cranston Herald

Classifying the guys: ‘Forks, Knives, and Spoons’ is simply ‘delectable’ By Tessa Roy When Leah DeCesare left for college, her father educated her on the three “types” of men she’d encounter; forks, knives, and spoons. The...

Forever is the Worst Long Time

I’ve just closed FOREVER IS THE WORST LONG TIME and, after wiping my tears away, grabbed my laptop to share my thoughts. This is one of those stories that is going to stick with me. It’s sad and wonderful, heartbreaking and heartwarming. Pagan digs deep...

In Twenty Years Book Review

I had the privilege of reading Allison Winn Scotch’s new book, In Twenty Years, before today’s publication date. I have loved Allison’s other books including, The Theory of Opposites, so I dove into In Twenty Years eagerly and it didn’t...